Hey Friends, on my way to the US for Christmas, I made a stop in Paris, a city whose projections shape the vibe there. There are masses of people just strolling around, and not too few also on their own. I realised how fast you can make contact with lovely and nice people. Actually, I spoke with four strangers. With one Danish guy I shared the way home to the hostel. We spoke about university, future visions, Russian and middle east cultures and the forty-minute walk flew simple by. In the queue for the „Musée d‘Orsay“, I started a conversation with an Italien girl and we spent the visit debating about art and especially impressionism. At some point we were silently sitting in front of a sculpture, her drawing, me writing. The ultimate talk was sparked by the wild and unique hat of a young American, standing in the middle of a busy street. All these encounters, and that‘s why I mention them, fuelled my sincere believe that the bravery to follow the kind and amiable impulses inside of oneself bring beauty in the world. Especially, if it is without any expectations. Thus, the human can be the creative life-artist he is born to be. A life-artist who is defined through is ability to creatively form his environment. To shape his life in the frame provided by the cosmos. I am currently reading: „Zen-Buddhism and Psychoanalysis“ by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, Erich Fromm and Richard de Martino. This book, though it has an more intellectual approach, has inspired my life and the way I act significantly in the last days. I can only recommending this book.
Anyways, now I will share with you my top moments of the trip in chronological order:
1. Vegan Fast-Food Place „Maoz“
First of all: Food. As I was hungrily wandering through the city, I bumbed into this vegan fast food shop. You get your Falafel Döner and can then choose which toppings you wanna add. Tasted great and for Paris not even that expensive (like 7€).
8 Rue Xavier Privas
75005 Paris
2. L’église Saint Sulpice
From the outside, and even more from the inside I was stunned by this building. For everyone who is searching for a calm and peaceful place, which is not conquered by tourists.

4 Rue Palatine
75006 Paris
3. Cour Carrée du Louvre at a Tuesday Morning (French Breakfast)
For breakfast I bought one baguette, one piece of a quiche and one macaron (expensive, but still cheaper than literally any café). On my way to the Seine I passed the carrefour at Louvre (not the place with the glass pyramids, but right next to it). There were hardly anybody, thus thee place was covered in a majestic silence.

4. Museum d‘Orsay
Probably the second most famous Museum in Paris after the Louvre. Advantage, not tooo crowded nevertheless it still hosts a variety of sculptures, artists and epochs but for me the impressionist are the most exciting ones, especially Monet. So many beautiful paintings of that extraordinarily gifted artist. To visit the museum together, made it even more fun, then you can discuss about the impressions the paintings have on you, or just silently watch together.
Little bonus fact: for European citizen under 26 years of age a lot of museums are for free. As well as on Sundays for everybody (the Musée d’Orsay, just every first Sunday of the month). It is worth checking that out.

Esplanade Valéry Giscard d’Estaing
75007 Paris
5. Pont Neuf
La Cité is the name of the little island in the seine which is home to the Notre Dame. At the very front of this Island there is a tiny parc and two willows. One can whether watch this point and the Seine around it from the Pont des Arts (beautiful to just sit there as well) or one descendant to rest under the two willows. An atmosphere magnifique.

6. Street between Chatelet and the Gay Area (mit fripes und essen)
The Rue de la Verrie and the Rue des Lombards are especially in the evening very lively. A lot of pubs, bars and restaurants attract the people. And I ate there and really good Dürum. However, you find also stylish second-hand stores (Fripes), which are actually affordable. The value for money ratio fits. The Rue du Roi de Sicile marks the beginning of the queer area, with a lot of gay couples passing the streets or enjoying a drink in the cafés and bars.

7. Metro 4
Fortuitously, I happened to be at the very end of the metro and watched the path we had just been leaving. I recorded this video I really like.
8. Hostel: St. Christopher’s Inn Gare du Nord
I was positively surprised by my Hostel. 23€ per night, quite big rooms, beds with curtains (that changes so much) and the location is great. Literally next to the Gare du Nord, 20 min into the center (4,20€ back and forth) and 30 min to Charles de Gaulle by public transport (11€). But you can actually also walk to the center, it is just about 40 min and Paris is beautiful in every corner.